Current job: Certified business advisor, Washington Small Business Development Center
Proudest professional moment: Ongoing, whenever a client that I am working with experiences business or personal success.
First job: Research chemist with Diamond Shamrock Chemical Company working on nuclear waste treatment among other things.
Fun fact: I blew up my sister’s playhouse with some commercial aerial fireworks that I had stored there. They cooked off on a hot spring day. My father, a WWII naval captain, thought it was the beginning of another war.
Favorite spot on a Saturday night: At home with my wife and kids – not boring at all!
Favorite movie: “Doctor Zhivago”
Music of choice: Classical and new age
Favorite place to eat: Mill Creek Pub in Battle Ground
Motto/Inspirational quote: “When through one man a little more love and goodness, a little light and truth comes into the world, then that man’s life has had meaning.” – Alfred Delp