Current job: Sales strategist and owner of Impactful Sales Solutions, executive director of Impactful People NW.
Proudest professional moment: Receiving a testimonial from one of my workshop students saying I helped increase their closing ratio by 100 percent!
First job: When I was 14, I worked at Van’s Drive in on Sandy Boulevard in Portland.
Fun fact: I run an amazing Impactful People’s networking group that regularly has 40-100 local business professionals connecting and helping each other grow!
Favorite spot on a Saturday night: ilani!!
Favorite movie: “Pride and Prejudice.”
Music of choice: Depends on my mood, mostly R&B.
Favorite place to eat: NOM NOM and Rose and Thorn.
Motto/Inspirational quote: “You only live once, so you may as well live a life you love!!” -Me