Challenging economic times are exactly when we need more communication and information.
It’s during these times that business owners are faced with more questions than they have ready answers for – How are others making it and growing their businesses? How can my business add value at times like these? If it’s time to cut, what goes first and how deep should the cut be?
As the key to Southwest Washington Business, the Vancouver Business Journal is committed to addressing these and other vital questions. So much so, you will now be receiving the Vancouver Business Journal weekly.
At no additional cost, paid subscribers will receive this additional issue of the vbj every other week.
We know time is money, and it’s our intention to include brief news items to keep you abreast of the constantly changing business landscape and links to more in-depth information on these topics whenever possible.
We want to hear what you think of our new edition and what information you’d like to see in it.