Guest Opinion: Easy ways to jump-start your business

Ron ArpLike many businesses, you’ve probably reorganized, cut expenses and delayed capital investments. Your robust cash flow is down to a trickle. You’re wondering how long you can hang on.

Just like an airplane that takes off against the wind, now is your time to soar. Troubled economic times are perfect conditions to grab market share. Why? Because, your customers are more receptive than ever to value-oriented propositions, and your competitors are still waiting for conditions to improve.

Here are seven easy, affordable and proven action steps to jump-start your business:

Call your clients

Arrange meetings with your “must keep” clients. Ask them what you could be doing better. Then ask them what else you can do to help. This shows that you prize their relationship, hunger for more business and have capacity to service additional business. A Midwest consulting firm credited 20 percent growth to this approach.

Engage your advocates

Your business affects a network of suppliers and partners who want you to succeed because you help them succeed. Make them part of your sales and marketing team. Alert them to your needs, and ask them for referrals, introductions and ideas. All it takes is the courage to ask. One real estate owner recently paid for a tenant’s marketing efforts because it was far cheaper than finding a new tenant.

Call upon prospects

You might be surprised to learn that your top prospects don’t know much about your value proposition. They long forgot about that meeting last year, and may not even remember what you do. Business is a contact sport. Identify your top prospects, and pursue them relentlessly until they run out of no’s. Monthly contact is a good target. One executive earned business with consumer products juggernaut Procter & Gamble by hosting a series of topical lunchtime seminars.

Mobilize your staff

Business is all about relationships. Why put your success solely on the back of a single sales manager? Multiply your impact by anointing every person in your organization as a member of the sales department. Map all the various connections. Talk up your prospects in staff meetings. Provide a special friends and family offer. Empower any staff member to have coffee with their contacts on company time.

Keep score

Track and celebrate activity among your own staff. People want to help, want to see the company thrive and love a little recognition. Showcase client growth as well as new client acquisition and contact with prospects. This keeps sales fresh on everyone’s mind. Celebrate progress by distributing lunch coupons, apparel or old-fashioned greenbacks to weekly stars. One company made it a tradition to give “the CEO’s pen” to the one making the biggest breakthrough.

Sharpen your pitch

Legend has it Abraham Lincoln was asked what he would do if he had to chop wood all day. He replied, “I’d spend the first six hours sharpening my axe.” Organizations need a unique selling proposition to make them different, better or special. Not sure what makes you special? Canvas your most recent clients or prospects. Get it down to a few memorable soundbites. After all, it’s not what you want to sell; it’s what they want to buy.

Ask for the order

Amazingly, business people often forget to close the sale. We connect, socialize, educate, associate and recreate. But we don’t close. Make it easy for people to say yes and get started, whether it’s a free sample, a startup team or a guarantee.

It’s time to awaken that sleeping marketing giant within your organization. It’s easier, more effective and less expensive than you think.

Ron Arp is President of Amplify Group, Inc., a Portland-Vancouver USA firm that helps solve business challenges with communications.

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