Movers & Shakers: 12/13/2013

Don Mayette

Vancouver-based Sigma Design recently announced the hiring of two new staff members: Don Mayette as a mechanical engineer and Bob New as a firmware engineer.

Mayette has 20 years of experience in mechanical engineering. For the last 15 years he has been designing consumer products primarily for the audio industry.

In his new role, he will be responsible for providing mechanical engineering services for consumer electronics customers.

Mayette holds a bachelor of science degree in mechanical engineering technology from Southern Polytechnic State University in Marietta, GA.

New brings more than 30 years of experience in software engineering to Sigma Design. In his new role, he will provide firmware engineering services for consumer electronics customers.

He holds a bachelor of science in computer science from Portland State University and a master of arts in computational linguistics from the University of Washington.


Alpine Mortgage Planning has hired Lisa Williams as a loan advisor.

Previously, Williams served as a loan officer for WJ Bradley Mortgage Capital LLC, where she specialized in the government’s Home Affordable Refinance Program and assisted borrowers in the qualification process for a principal reduction.

Williams will work out of Alpine Mortgage Planning’s Camas office, which is located at 2005 SE 192nd Ave., Suite 200.


A new slate of officers for the BIA’s 2014 Board of Directors was installed last month at the organization’s annual President’s Awards & Officer Installation Dinner, held at the Heathman Lodge.

The 2014 officers inlcude: Ott Gaither (Gaither & Sons Construction) as president; Jack Harroun (Jack Harroun Construction) as vice president; Aaron Helmes (Kingston Homes) as VP secretary; Mark Hall (Elite Realty NW) as VP treasurer; Tony Curtis (Current Home Technologies) as VP associate; and Paul McGraw (Spacemaster Construction) as immediate past president.

Additionally, the following BIA members were recognized with President’s Awards for their service to the organization and the building industry:

• Builder of the Year: Troy Johns, Urban NW Homes

• Developer of the Year: Mark Jeffries

• Remodeler of the Year: Mike Kinnaman, Designers Northwest Inc.

• Subcontractor of the Year: Jeremy Kushner, RailPro

• Supplier of the Year: NW Natural

• Associate Member of the Year: Directors Mortgage

• Industry Advocate of the Year: Jamie Howsley, Jordan Ramis

• Volunteers of the Year: Hugh & Lyn Hall, Lynwood Homes


Dr. Sarice Bassin, director of the Stroke & Neurohospitalist Program at PeaceHealth Southwest Medical Center, has joined the American Heart Association’s Board of Directors as vice president.

Additionally, for the second year in a row, the Oregon & SW Washington board was recognized by the American Heart Association (AHA) National Board for being one of the top local boards in the country with the prestigious AHA Gold designation for excellence.

“The Oregon/SW Washington board has engaged leaders of from around the region to join forces and make a health impact on their community,” said Lanette Day, executive director of the American Heart Association – Oregon & SW Washington Division. “Together they are driving results toward the achievement of AHA’s 2020 Impact Goal to improve the cardiovascular health of all Americans by 20 percent while reducing deaths from cardiovascular diseases and stroke by 20 percent.”

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