The 16 states that set new records for exports in 2013 include: Texas ($279.7 billion); California ($168.1 billion); Washington ($81.9 billion); Louisiana ($63.1 billion); Michigan ($58.5 billion); Ohio ($50.5 billion); Georgia ($37.6 billion); Tennessee ($32.4 billion); North Carolina ($29.3 billion); South Carolina ($26.1 billion); Kentucky ($25.3 billion); Connecticut ($16.5 billion); Mississippi ($12.4 billion); Maryland ($11.8 billion); Colorado ($8.7 billion); and Oklahoma ($6.9 billion).
The following states enjoyed growth in total merchandise exports in 2013: Alaska; Arizona; Delaware; Kansas; Massachusetts; New Hampshire; New York; Oregon; Pennsylvania; and South Dakota.
“These export numbers show that for more and more American companies, selling internationally is critical to growing their businesses and strengthening our economy,” said Pritzker.
An interactive map with national and state merchandise trade data is available at