A Showcase of finalists, reception and awards presentation will be held on Thursday, April 24 from 5 to 8 p.m. at the Fort Vancouver Artillery Barracks. Finalists in five categories will be recognized, with one award recipient named in each category.
Those categories and the finalists include:
Fastest growing 1 – 5 years
Current Home Technologies, LLC
Mill Creek Pub
Ginn Realty Group
ProTech Composites Inc.
Fastest growing 6 – 10 years
Fantasy Sports Enterprises, LLC
Simply Thyme Catering, LLC
Fastest growing 10 + years
Industrial Training International
NWCPA–Nanette Walker, CPA
Opsahl Dawson
Start-up of the year
Must Love Kids Pediatric Dentistry
Pangea Motors, LLC
Oasis Diagnostics Corporation
SUNMODO Corporation
Tickets for the event are $50 in advance and can be purchased by visiting the Vancouver Business Journal’s event registration page.