Ridgefield adopts $14.5 million Budget

The Ridgefield City Council unanimously adopted a $14.5 million budget for 2015 at a council meeting earlier this month.

The budget consists of $8.2 million for operating funds, $1.6 million for special revenue funds and $4.7 million in capital improvements.

“All existing city services and administrative costs will be covered by ongoing revenue sources,” noted Kirk Johnson, Ridgefield’s finance director. “The 2015 budget is also reflective of the growth potential for the city of Ridgefield. The budget includes one-time expenses for studies and projects that will be covered through the use of city reserves.”

Additional budget details include:

  • Update to current policies to add a revenue stabilization reserve, to protect the city from a decrease in state shared revenue and reduced sales tax.
  • In 2015, the city will conduct several studies to update and revise current building codes, including green building standards.
  • Completion of the Overlook Park Annex, overlooking the wildlife refuge.
  • Construction of a water well and reservoir at the I-5 Junction.
  • Installation of road and drainage improvements in two locations in the downtown area.
  • Continued investments in capital improvements that increase efficiencies in daily operations.

The budget can be viewed online at www.ci.ridgefield.wa.us/finance/page/budget-0.