Green cleaning can help green your bottom line

Because of the significant impact on occupant health, indoor environmental quality is one of the key cornerstones of every green building rating or certification system. Green building design focuses closely on issues related to it.

Studies show significant advantages in productivity for occupants of green buildings. But even the best practices for design and construction techniques in healthy buildings can’t overcome the operations and maintenance of new (or existing) buildings.

Cleaning chemicals and housekeeping procedures are an aspect of a healthy indoor environment that is often overlooked by building owners and operators, but has a significant impact on the environmental quality.

Many traditional cleaning and housekeeping practices use harsh chemicals that may be perceived as quick and effective but have significant unintended consequences, such as leaving behind bio-accumulative toxic residue and exposing maintenance staff and building occupants to skin and/or airborne irritants.

And when washed down the drain, traditional cleaning products can create problems downstream for wastewater treatment facilities and water quality.

Protecting occupant well-being

The Environmental Protection Agency ranks poor indoor air quality “among the top five environmental risks to public health.” And issues related to individuals with real or perceived chemical sensitivities should be of particular concern to facility managers, the EPA notes.   

Appropriate and careful use of environmentally preferable, non-toxic cleaning agents can reduce exposure of building occupants and maintenance personnel to potentially hazardous chemical contaminants that adversely impact air quality, occupant well-being and the environment.  

But buyer beware: With the exponentially increasing demand for eco-friendly products, the market now seems flooded with products claiming to be “green” – some of which may not be as beneficial as you would hope.

How can a consumer sift through the green-wash and make a truly educated purchasing decision? Buy only products that have third-party certifications, including the EPA Design for the Environment, Green Seal and Environmental Choice.

Made locally in Vancouver, Biokleen products are natural, non-toxic and certified by the EPA Design for the Environment program. Also consider products complying with California Code of Regulations, Title 17, Section 94509.

The largest roadblock to implementing the use of green cleaning materials and methods seems to come from the custodial staff – ironically, those most at health risk to exposure to cleaning chemicals.

Their most common arguments: “Those green cleaning products don’t work as well as what we use,” or “It costs more.”

“That’s a myth,” said John Westerholt of Forest Cleaning Inc., a professional cleaning service in Portland. “We changed over to strictly green cleaning products more than 10 years ago and have found them to be just as effective and often cost less, especially the concentrated cleaning products like those from Biokleen.”

Green cleaners also can improve indoor air quality, reduce complaints among janitorial staff and save money.

You can also maximize the marketing and psychological benefits of your healthy indoor environment. Let your tenants and/or building occupants know just how environmentally responsible and healthy you are making the building on their behalf.

Timothy Buckley is principal of Greenstone Architecture PLLC. He can be reached at, 360-695-5454 or

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