Movers & Shakers: 10/22/14


Daybreak Youth Services’ governing board has appointed Annette Klinefelter, M.A, as the organization’s interim executive director. The immediate appointment will fill the vacancy created by Timothy Smith’s impending retirement.

“I am very happy with the movement and look forward to working for, and with, Annette,” said Smith. “I admire and respect her abilities and judgment and the depth of her care for our clients, our mission and our organization.”

Klinefelter was the founder and executive director of Girls Incorporated in Portland for 10 years. She holds a masters degree in education and has spent the last five years in Brookings, Oregon as a school administrator and the key policy analyst for healthcare transformation for the regional hospital, mental health and addiction systems.

“I am privileged to be appointed to lead Daybreak at this critical juncture,” said Klinefelter. “In the midst of healthcare transformation and marijuana legalization in Washington State, Daybreak is a vital source of education, advocacy and services. I look forward to fostering critical partnerships that will help build a strong foundation and help us to realize our vision of becoming the premier provider of adolescent treatment in Washington.”

Daybreak Youth Services is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that was founded in Spokane in 1978 and has been serving the Vancouver area since 1999. Daybreak provides drug and alcohol treatment services to youth and families troubled by addiction and co-occurring psychological and behavioral disorders.

For more information about Daybreak, visit