Riverview promotes Capeloto to chief retail banking officer

Kim Capeloto

Vancouver-based Riverview Community Bank has promoted Kim Capeloto to executive vice president and chief retail banking officer, where he will be responsible for the operation and performance of Riverview’s 17-branch system.

Capeloto joined Riverview in 2010 as executive VP in charge of marketing, operations, technology and public relations. He will continue to manage those aspects of the company in his new role.

“We have an incredible team in our retail branches and they work unbelievably hard in each one of their individual markets,” said Capeloto. “I look forward to being a part of that team and helping the retail function of this bank go to the next level.”

Capeloto said his new position will allow Riverview to look for new ways to make enhancements between its branches and departments like operations and IT.

Currently serving on a number of different boards, Capeloto said the added responsibilities of his new position will not take away from his level of involvement in the community.

“I won’t shy away from my community support because the support from this community is what has allowed Riverview and myself to continue to thrive,” he said. “It’s vital that the community be supported so that all of us – all the business owners in Southwest Washington – can continue to do well.”

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