$7.7 million congestion relief project to begin in Battle Ground

The City of Battle Ground will kick off a $7.7 million congestion relief project this summer near one of its busiest intersections.

The first phase of the multi-year project addresses specific points of congestion near the Fred Meyer at the northwest corner of SR-502/503.

Crews plan to extend NW 5th Way (located just north of Fred Meyer) east to connect to SR-503, providing an additional right-in and right-out access point to and from the shopping center.

Once the extension is complete, the traffic signal at NW 12th Ave. and Main St. will be removed and a median will be installed on Main to restrict traffic on NW 12th to right-in and right-out access only. A third component of phase 1 will extend the left-turn lane on NW 15th.

Phase 2 of the project, projected for 2018/19, includes the addition of dedicated right-hand turn lanes at SR 502/503, an extended left-hand turn lane from Main to W. 8th Ave. (near Safeway) and the extension of SW 1st Way eastward to SW 12th Ave.

Phase 3, projected for 2020/21, will add a roadway connecting SR-503 with N. Parkway just north of Battle Ground High School.

According to the City, the number of vehicles traveling through Battle Ground has doubled in the last 20 years, and this project will create a more efficient transportation system by addressing factors contributing to gridlock.

Officials plan to hold an informational open house related to the project on Wednesday, July 19 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Battle Ground Fred Meyer (401 NW 12th). City staff will be on hand to answer questions and will have project details and maps available.

The project is being funded by Connecting Washington, a 16-year state program supported primarily by an 11.9-cent gas tax increase that was fully phased-in on July 1, 2016.

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