City of Vancouver to distribute $2 million in federal housing grants

Vancouver’s total grant allocation for 2014 includes $1,374,290 in Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) and $653,257 in HOME Investment Partnership Program (HOME) grants. These totals include $318,212 in CDBG and HOME grant funds carried forward from 2012-13.

The City plans to distribute the grant funding to 20 local projects that meet the goals of the CDBG and HOME programs. The recipients of the grants have approximately two years to spend the funds. Examples of the projects receiving grant funding include:

  • Share’s outreach, roommate matching and hunger response programs
  • The Council for the Homeless’ Housing Solutions Center
  • Affordable housing construction projects
  • Post foster-care transitional housing
  • Second Step Housing case management
  • ACE senior housing construction projects

Three city-run programs that provide low-cost loans to low-income homeowners for rehabilitation projects, low-cost loans to small businesses and support infrastructure projects.

“This funding will directly benefit citizens in Vancouver by increasing or preserving affordable housing options, revitalizing neighborhoods and providing support services to people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless,” said Vancouver Mayor Tim Leavitt in a press release.

To view a full listing of the projects scheduled to receive funding, visit and click on “2014 Action Plan Prioritized Funding.”

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