The projects are:
• Fruit Valley Rd/Fourth Plain Blvd. to 39th St: New pedestrian crosswalk at Firestone Lane with ladder-style striping. Applicant: Fruit Valley Neighborhood Assoc. Estimated cost: $6,000
• McGillivray Blvd. at Southeast 119th St: Ladder style restriping of existing pedestrian crosswalk and signage at 119th Street; 25 mph on-street legends. Applicant: Riveridge Neighborhood Assoc. Estimated cost: $10,000
• East 33rd St/I-5 to St. Johns Blvd: Pedestrian refuge islands, street trees and street murals. Applicant: Rose Village Neighborhood Assoc. Estimated cost: $36,000
• SE 195th Ave/SE 15th St to Westridge Blvd: Entry islands on the north and south side of street connection and speed cushions throughout the corridor. Applicant: Cascade Estates. Estimated cost: $51,000
“I am very pleased that these worthy neighborhood projects will be funded and look forward to additional traffic safety projects coming forward early next year,” said Ross Montgomery, chair of the NTSA, in a press release. “The citizens who championed the projects for their neighborhoods should be proud of their accomplishments, and the NTSA representatives who served on the evaluation panel are to be commended for their participation.”