City Seeks Volunteers to Serve on VHA commission

Fourth Plain houseing
Photo courtesy of Vancouver Housing Authority

The City of Vancouver is seeking three volunteers with an interest in affordable, accessible housing to fill three vacancies on the Vancouver Housing Authority (VHA) Board of Commissioners. Applications must be submitted on or before Friday, Nov. 17.

The mayor appoints the six-member volunteer board to establish policy for the operation of VHA’s low-income rental housing assistance programs and properties in Clark County. Commissioners play a critical role in fulfilling VHA’s mission to provide opportunities to people who experience barriers to housing because of income, disability or special needs.

Regular VHA board meetings are held from 10 a.m. to noon on the fourth Thursday of each month, with preceding executive sessions often starting at 9 a.m. Meetings are typically held at the VHA office at 2500 Main St. in Vancouver. Occasionally, the board chair calls special meetings and work sessions with 48 hours’ advance notice. Commissioners can call meetings if necessary.

This recruitment is for three full-term appointments, with terms beginning Feb. 11, 2024, and expiring Feb. 11, 2029. One of the vacancies is for the resident commissioner position and must be filled by a current resident who receives direct assistance from the VHA.

State law requires that applicants not be landlords with rental assistance contracts or a vendor, individual or developer currently doing business with the VHA. Applicants must also be available for interviews VHA staff and with Mayor Anne McEnerny-Ogle following the closure of the application period.

Applications can be submitted online at To request a paper application or additional information, contact the City’s Boards and Commissions Coordinator at Vancouver City Hall, P.O. Box 1995, Vancouver, WA 98668-1995, or 360-487-8600.

Learn more about the VHA Board of Commissioners at

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