From the List: Trucking Companies


The top five are:

  1. Mitchell Bros. Truck Line Inc: 111 trucks in fleet; 158 FTEs
  2. United Road: 107 trucks in fleet; 138 FTEs
  3. Atlantic & Pacific Freightways Inc: 96 trucks in fleet; 115 FTEs
  4. Joel Olson Trucking Inc: 55 trucks in fleet; 77 FTEs
  5. CEMEX: 44 trucks in fleet; 145 FTEs

To view the rest of Clark County’s largest trucking companies, check out the Sept. 20, 2013 print edition of the Vancouver Business Journal. The list includes information about top local executives, website and address information, geographical area of coverage and year established locally.

Our annual Book of Lists is also available in print or electronic form here. Individual industry lists can be purchased in Excel form by contacting the VBJ at 360.695.2442.

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