What are the largest breweries in Clark County? We ranked them by number of barrels brewed. Figures as of 5/23/17.
The top five are:
- Amnesia Brewing: 2,550 barrels
- Loowit Brewing: 2,023 barrels
- Heathen Brewing LLC: 1,800 barrels
- Doomsday Brewing Company: 850 barrels
- Ghost Runners Brewery: 552 barrels
To view the rest of Clark County’s breweries, check out the June 30, 2017 edition of the Vancouver Business Journal. The list includes beverage distributors, coffee roasters, wineries and more. Organizations that do not respond to list questionnaires are not included.
This industry list can be purchased in Excel form by contacting the VBJ at 360.695.2442. Purchased Excel lists feature even more listings than what is available in the print version.
Our 2017 Book of Lists is also available in print or electronic form here.