“Unfortunately, the political climate in the Washington State Senate today is not any better than it was last year,” Cleveland said. “It’s a disgrace and a disservice that, in this case, politics in Washington got in the way of protecting our citizens and supporting an infrastructure project that would have a positive impact on our state and our local economies for years to come.
“I am pleased that Oregon has not given up on this critical project and continues to move forward with meaningful discussion,” she added. “The work in the weeks, months and years to come will not be easy; however, a majority of Washington state legislators stand in support of the CRC and Oregon’s commendable efforts to not give up on this vital project.”
Cleveland was appointed to a seat on the Senate Transportation Committee on Monday. She also serves on the Early Learning & K-12 Education and Health Care Committees.
“The citizens of both Oregon and Washington deserve to have healthy communities and access to quality education, health care and jobs,” she said. “Investing in our region’s transportation infrastructure and this crossing is an integral component in creating those sustainable, healthy communities.”