Across the region, unemployment is double what it was a year ago. Many of those unemployed are in the job market for the first time in years, and may find the job search landscape much changed.
Ralph Stevens, chief executive officer of Vancouver-based Corporate Resource Alliance, felt a need and created the Job Seekers Conference to offer a holistic helping hand to those learning to navigate the market. Attendees hear information on getting noticed among 200 other applicants, what kinds of search engines are available and how to network effectively.
“Their job is not to go to networking events and ask for jobs, but to create relationships,” Stevens said.
Attendees also hear presentations from a government recruiter and a representative of private industry, about self-employment and health insurance options.
Each of the three seminars so far has had about 60 attendees, all of whom were laid off. The average age is 45, and about 80 percent have bachelor’s or master’s degrees.
“Some of them, their motivation has been squashed,” Stevens said. “They feel like they’ve been applying and applying, with no response. After the conferences, many say they’ve been rejuvenated.”
The next seminar is scheduled for April 23. Information is available at
Stevens is looking for financial partners to be able to hold the conference more frequently and expand it to other regions. Some community partners have stepped up to cover the cost of the seminar for some attendees.