Officials at Nautilus cheered the court’s decision, and said that it will help strengthen the patent system while fostering future innovation across all industries.
“We asked the Supreme Court to accept this case because of our strong belief that the patent system is best served when patent claims are precise, definite and certain. Ambiguous and indefinite patents stifle competition and encourage unnecessary litigation,” said Wayne Bolio, SVP, law and human resources for Nautilus Inc. “We are gratified that the Supreme Court issued an opinion that addresses these concerns, which will benefit not only Nautilus Inc., but also numerous other companies facing similar circumstances. We believe this will, in turn, encourage innovation, whereas vaguely written patents encourage patent trolls and unnecessary litigation.”
Bruce Cazenave, Nautilus’ CEO, added, “It will help protect both Nautilus Inc. and all other companies from increasing, unnecessary and costly patent litigation that is taxing our already overburdened court system.”