Current Job: Operations and programs manager Clark County Meals on Wheels People
Proudest Professional Moment: Graduating Leadership Clark County and my latest promotion
First Job: Burgerville in Battle Ground. I learned so much from the GM Cindy Byrd!
Fun Fact: I sing in two bands and am a crazy dancing fool when I’m not singing (maybe even when I am singing).
Favorite Spot on Saturday night: My backyard in front of the fire pit.
Favorite Movie: “Murphy’s Romance” – does that show my age?
Music of Choice: Old school country. Pedal steel, fiddle, the whole shebang.
Favorite Place to Eat: It would be easier to tell you where I DON’T like to eat. That list is much shorter.
Motto: A mentor once told me to keep my head level. Don’t let the praise get you too high or criticism get you too low. I value that advice to this day and do my best to follow it.