Current Job: Owner, Simple Pleasures Events
Proudest professional moment: I’m incredibly thankful to have successfully run my own business for the past 17 years. Beyond that, I’m proud to have helped local nonprofits raise over $1.56 million dollars in 2014 for their organizations through fundraising events and consulting.
First Job: Girl Friday at the Ridgefield Food Liner. I despised cleaning the fryer and to this date get nauseous at the smell of old grease.
Fun Fact: One of the founding members for Dumball Rally USA, a three-day car rally and scavenger hunt. Participants traverse the local roads through multiple states in search of adventure and the rights to be named the “Best of the Worst” in cars valued $1,000 or less.
Favorite spot on a Saturday night: Anywhere hanging with my husband and friends, drinking craft brews and eating German fare and pretzels, of course.
Favorite movie: “The Princess Bride,” hands down. It’s iconic and who doesn’t love a fairytale?
Music of choice: I’m a Classic 80’s kid, think Pet Shop Boys, Love & Rockets, Erasure, Duran Duran…
Favorite place to eat: Destination place, Mama’s Fish House in Maui. My local hot spot, Mill Creek Pub.
Most/Inspirational quote: Comes from my Dad: “What’s the worst case scenario?” If I’m questioning something, I always evaluate the consequences, ask myself if I can live with the outcome and then move forward.