First job: Paperboy for The Columbian. That job paid for my first car, a 1987 black Camaro – thank you Neil Kimsey.
Fun fact: On Monday nights I play on a Portland basketball city league team with Nelson Holmberg, executive director at the Port of Woodland. We’ve never won a game!
Favorite spot on a Saturday night: At home with my wife Ceci watching movies.
Favorite movie: This is a tough question. I enjoy so many movies, especially laugh out loud comedies. I really like The American President and any of the old Michael Douglas movies, and my nerdy side loves the old Superman movies. I’m looking forward to the Man of Steel – June 14th!
Music of choice: I love music, any kind. I am currently listening to Soundscapes on Comcast 934.
Favorite place to eat: Mighty Bowl! Nice addition to downtown Vancouver.
Motto/Inspirational quote: “If you wanna make the world a better place, start with the man in the mirror.”
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