Current job: Wells Fargo’s Community Banking District Manager for Clark County
Proudest professional moment: Being chosen to represent my region at a Western U.S. division recognition event last December, based on my team’s sales and service results. I was the first district manager from this region to qualify for that event.
First job: I was raised on a farm on Sauvie Island, the largest freshwater island in the United States. We bucked a lot of hay and changed a lot of irrigation pipe, working from 6 a.m. to 11 at night. We grew row crops, including potatoes and corn. My parents are retired now, but they still own and work the farm with my nephews.
Fun fact: I played shooting guard on the basketball team at Pacific University in Forest Grove.
Favorite spot on a Saturday night: We like to go to place called 360, a small bistro bar in Camas where we hang out with friends.
Favorite movie: “Eldorado,” a John Wayne classic.
Music of choice: Country
Favorite place to eat: At home. We dine out all the time, so when we eat at home it’s something special.
Motto/Inspirational quote: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.”