Current job: Founder and president of Mobile Healthcare Providers Northwest
Proudest professional moment: Taking the leap to start a nonprofit medical practice to help our seniors
First job: 12 years old as a private caregiver at an Adult Family home in Harrisonville, Missouri
Fun fact: I grew up racing go-carts in the Midwest and flying airplanes!
Favorite spot on a Saturday night: At home with my husband and our chocolate lab
spending time together.
Favorite movie: “The Color Purple”
Music of choice: I’m up for listening to anything as long as the lyrics don’t support hate or violence.
Favorite place to eat: Arthur Bryant’s Barbeque in Kansas City, Missouri
Motto/Inspirational quote: “You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a
person, I guarantee you, you’ll win, no matter what the outcome.” – Dr Hunter
“Patch” Adams