Current job: I am working as a physician assistant at Aethena Gynecology Associates.
Proudest professional moment: No one moment in particular stands out, but I get the most professional satisfaction when I see someone in the office who dreads going to the doctor, and they tell me after the visit that they were comfortable and pleased with their experience.
First job: As a kid I would often be my grandpa’s helper on odd jobs that he did around the community, painting, small construction, yard work – whatever was needed. My first on-the-books job was as the pianist for the Ridgefield United Methodist Church in my hometown of Ridgefield.
Fun fact: I have different colored eyes, one brown and one green.
Favorite spot on a Saturday night: I am not a night person so most often it is at home watching movies with my husband and kids, but once in a while I do enjoy a late night of card games with my husband and friends or family.
Favorite movie: I like movies in all genres, but if it doesn’t blow me away, bring me to tears or double me over laughing then it’s not worth it. I rarely watch a movie more than once. The only one I can think of is “Rudy.” I’m a sucker for against-the-odds triumph.
Music of choice: K-Love radio. The music and the talk are nothing but positive, encouraging and inspiring.
Favorite place to eat: Somewhere I haven’t been before, although for burgers nothing beats Five Guys.
Motto/Inspirational quote: Can all your worries add a single moment to your life? Of course not. Matthew 6:27