Current job: President, Columbia River Economic Development Council (CREDC).
Proudest professional moment: Earning a 96% trust rating among my team and stakeholders at the Small Business Association, while we worked to triple the size of our local lending portfolio.
First job: Coaching youth basketball at Paradise Parks & Rec.
Fun fact: I’ve visited all of the continents except Antarctica — closest to Antarctica I’ve come was visiting Isla Magdalena in the Strait of Magellan, 52 degrees South.
Favorite spot on a Saturday night: Dinner for two, somewhere delicious!
Favorite book: “A Confederacy of Dunces” by John Kennedy Toole.
Favorite movie: As a kid, “Harry and the Hendersons;” more recently, “Wonder Woman” — for the message of woman as superhero and love saving the world.
Music of choice: The kind that makes me want to dance.
Favorite place to eat: Chez moi. Though, I’ve never met a tortilla chip I didn’t like, and Provecho and Little Conejo make delicious chips. Yummy, I want to crunch on some right now.
Motto/Inspirational quote: “If it’s still in your mind, it’s worth taking the risk.” -Paulo Coelho