Current job: Founder and CEO at WellHaven Pet Health.
Proudest professional moment: Realizing during a specific situation at work that my job is no longer a job, but a calling.
First job: Sales associate at a clothing store in Edina, Minn.
Fun fact: Traveled to 49 states before I was 40, will visit my 50th state this year (Alaska) before I am 50.
Favorite spot on a Saturday: My cabin near Mt. St. Helens.
Favorite movie: “Christmas Vacation.”
Music of choice: Alternative rock.
Favorite place to eat: WildFin or Stack 517.
Motto/Inspirational quote: “Find your ‘why.’”
To learn more about WellHaven Pet Health Founder and CEO John Bork, attend the Vancouver Business Journal’s Boardroom Breakfast event on Wednesday, Feb. 5, from 7:30-9 a.m., at the Red Cross Building on the Fort Vancouver National Historic Site. Bork will be our featured CEO.