Current job: Chief Operating Officer at NWI Global.
Proudest professional moment: Consistently hearing from our clients on how we make a difference in helping them communicate in different languages.
First job: Courtesy clerk at a local grocery store.
Fun fact: I completed my first Spartan Trifecta in 2016. More to come! If you haven’t tried obstacle course racing, get out and do it. Highly recommended.
Favorite spot on a Saturday night: Having a great time with my wife and son, wherever the day takes us. As long as we’re back by bedtime!
Favorite movie: This one is tough! Lately, it’s been Moana. Nothing beats watching it together with my 2-year old (for the 254th time).
Music of choice: Everything from hair metal to country.
Favorite place to eat: There are many good options in Vancouver. Provecho on Main Street has to be the favorite right now.
Motto/Inspirational quote: Be more interested in others than in yourself.