Answering the question of highest & best use


Certainly, if the success experienced by other tribes is any indication, the Cowlitz tribe and their partners stand to attract considerable sums with a resort. Though initial indications showed their intent was to create facilities and jobs for the Cowlitz people, that supposition has been called into question as the project has unfolded since it was announced.

Consider the impact

That brings me back the question, what is the highest and best use of those 152 acres?

When considering this, I believe the project must be looked at from the perspective of its effect on the surrounding communities, and the likely impact a project of this sort would have on Southwest Washington.

While an environmental impact statement has been submitted by the Cowlitz for a resort casino, a number of questions have been raised as to its validity when addressing a number of issues. Such concerns include traffic congestion, social impacts on neighboring cities and the consequences of such a development on the local business community (especially the gaming businesses in La Center).

The Discovery Corridor

In a May 2009 letter to Egils Milbergs, executive director of the Washington State Economic Development Commission, Bart Phillips, of the Columbia River Economic Development Council (CREDC), pointed out that the Discovery Corridor concept was mentioned as having been first developed in the CREDC’s Strategic Plan in 2000.

For years, the corridor – defined as the area running on either side of I-5 between the Woodland exit and the I-205 junction – has been envisioned as an area for industrial economic development for technology and information-based companies. The hope is that young and upstart companies engaged in emerging technologies will bring high wage jobs to the region, giving our brightest young people a reason to stay or to return once they completed their college education.

So, which would you consider the highest and best use – a business park catering to these emerging technologies or a resort casino?

What about a workforce full of researchers, software engineers and marketers or a workforce where the majority of jobs that appear to be (based on similar projects both tribal and non-tribal around the country) of the minimum wage variety with a few professional positions at the top?

Taking a stand

I believe that the 152 acre Ridgefield site is an opportunity for the Cowlitz to be a leader in the build-out and development of the Discovery Corridor, which was incidentally envisioned the same year the Cowlitz were recognized as a tribe by the U.S. Government.

It seems that many of the arguments being made for a casino can also be made for a technology-based business park. After all, it would provide a destination not currently available in Southwest Washington, while providing a tremendous revenue source for the Cowlitz tribe. Interestingly, I think it would also eliminate a great number of the challenges to the current proposal, allowing the Cowlitz to move forward and eliminate the lost opportunity costs it’s currently experiencing.

Highest and best use?

I think the Cowlitz can do better and do it sooner.

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