Book of Lists can be even more relevant with help from you, the reader
Jessica Swanson
is managing editor of the Vancouver Business Journal.
If you own a business in Clark County, chances are it belongs on one or more of our 50 category lists published throughout the year in the Vancouver Business Journal. The lists are published again in January in the Book of Lists, a favorite among readers, subscribers and advertisers. Due to the tenacity of our staff and researchers, the information housed in the book is very clean – that is to say, the information in the book is straight from the desk of a contact at the business listed, is up-to-date as of this year and provides the latest possible information. At times the information has been truncated for space and clarity reasons, and, as in all publications, there are the occasional typographical errors.
The focus for each list has been getting the best possible information from the contacts we do have – whenever possible, directly from the business owners. Thus while the lists are full of up-to-date information on each organization, some of the lists are shorter than they should be. Try as we might, we have failed to get the attention of some key industry players. Why? Because they – you – are busy. When was the last time you filled out a survey that was faxed to you or gave time to a phone interview during the dinner hour? Even if you think it may boost your business, something always takes precedence over a request out of the blue.
As our community grows – as well as your pool of potential prospects and business partners here in Clark County – wouldn’t you like to have their contact information all in one place? Wouldn’t you like yours to be there? We’re depending on you to provide the information to us.
It’s a FREE listing, with no strings attached, as they say. The upside for us is that a full, well rounded category list adds value to the newspaper itself and January’s book, translating to a more desirable product for advertisers and one that business owners will purchase to make their jobs easier.
The Book of Lists is a product that people have come to expect from the Vancouver Business Journal and is the only one of its kind in the market that lists your businesses. It’s not an easy feat – compiling information on the thousands of businesses here in the county – but with your help, we can make a sharp, useful product with few holes and tons of value to the reader.
What do you say?
Well, we’d like you to say, “Here’s my information,” when the request comes across your e-mail or fax. We’d also like to know if you think there are lists we should be publishing. Are there categories that make sense to rank and include in our annual Book of Lists?
Jennifer Young, list researcher, will happily tell you which of our categories your business may fit into, set you up with a listing and answer any questions. (She can be reached at 360-695-2442 or Again, FREE. But if you want us to sell you something, there are yellow highlights, advertising space, sponsorships, the book itself, an electronic version of the lists, subscriptions, a bridge in Brooklyn…but I’ll leave that to the experts.
Many thanks –
Jessica Swanson
Managing Editor
Vancouver Business Journal